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Remote Medication Delivery with Precise Dosing


Proprietary Nebulizer: This novel nebulizer design allows for the remote delivery of medications commonly used in variety of treatments, such as buprenorphine. Unlike traditional pill-based approaches, nebulization offers several advantages:

  • Enhanced absorption: Nebulized medications delivered into the oral cavity bypass the digestive system, leading to faster and more consistent absorption.

  • Reduced risk of diversion: The nebulizer utilizes pre-filled, tamper-evident medication cartridges, minimizing the potential for misuse or diversion of medication by participants.

  • Real-time control: Healthcare professionals can remotely adjust medication dosages in real-time based on individual patient needs and treatment progress.

Although automated injectors such as insulin pumps are available, automated nebulizers do not exist, except for manually operated metered dose inhalers.

Integration with Wearable Sensors for Objective

Data Collection:

Existing DCT platforms often rely solely on self-reported data regarding medication adherence and symptom severity or require the development of clinical studies with their Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). This approach can be unreliable and subjective. This platform introduces a paradigm shift by seamlessly integrating with a variety of wearable health monitoring devices. These wearables collect a wide range of physiological data during and after medication administration, including:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) patches: These patches monitor heart rate and rhythm, potentially providing insights into potential medication side effects or interactions.

  • Pulse oximeters: These devices measure blood oxygen levels, which can help monitor potential respiratory complications associated with certain medications.

  • Activity trackers: These trackers can monitor sleep patterns, physical activity levels, and other behavioral data that may be relevant to treatment outcomes.

  • Smartwatches or biosensors: These devices offer a more comprehensive view by collecting a wider range of physiological data, such as skin temperature, respiration rate, and blood pressure.

By integrating with wearables, the platform facilitates the collection of objective and continuous data on medication use and its impact on physiological parameters. This rich dataset allows researchers to gain a deeper understanding of treatment efficacy, identify potential adverse effects, and personalize treatment plans for individual patients.

Prototype nebulizers and commercial wearables receive parameters, deliver medication, and collect health metrics from a Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) participant.

Slyde medical synced with a weareble to take advantage of all the possibilites by IVPMED.

Our patented smart pods ultrasonic nebulizer with variable frequencies and multiple cartridges will tap into the unexplored domain of nano-emulsion-water-soluble formulations.

Machine learning and AI use algorithms to provide predictive analysis and connect participants' data with external medical knowledge.

Hyperledger Fabric provides secure channels for IoT communications and smart contracts for HIPAA compliance.

Our patented two-pods module releases compounds at different temperatures & times, therefore Slyde is able to measure dominant compounds-dosages accurately.

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Web dashboard provides remote control of medication delivery and health monitoring augmented by AI predictive analysis.

Figure 1. IoT network securely connects user medical devices and healthcare providers.

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