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Dual-Schema Cloud-based Blockchain Database

for Secure and Scalable Data Management:

Traditional data management solutions in DCTs often struggle to handle the large and complex datasets generated by wearable sensors. Additionally, concerns regarding participant privacy and data security remain paramount. This platform addresses these challenges with a secure and scalable cloud-based database featuring a dual-schema design:

  • Anonymized Data Schema: This schema stores anonymized patient data collected during the DCT, including physiological data from wearables, medication usage data, and self-reported information. This anonymized data can be securely shared with authorized researchers for analysis and potential monetization to support future research endeavors. This data sharing fosters collaboration and accelerates research progress.

  • Blockchain-based Schema: This schema utilizes blockchain technology to securely store PII data such as participant names and contact information. Blockchain offers an immutable and tamper-proof ledger system, ensuring the highest level of security for sensitive patient data.

  • Hyperledger Fabric: Enables the creation of channels, allowing a subset of participants to communicate within a private group. This feature is beneficial for IoT where data sharing might be required among specific healthcare providers or between a provider and a patient, without exposing the information to the entire network. The anonymized data schema will be linked to the PII data schema using unique identifiers, allowing researchers to access relevant anonymized data while maintaining participant privacy. This innovative dual-schema design ensures compliance with data privacy regulations such as HIPAA.

Prototype nebulizers and commercial wearables receive parameters, deliver medication, and collect health metrics from a Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) participant.

Slyde medical synced with a weareble to take advantage of all the possibilites by IVPMED.

Our patented smart pods ultrasonic nebulizer with variable frequencies and multiple cartridges will tap into the unexplored domain of nano-emulsion-water-soluble formulations.

Machine learning and AI use algorithms to provide predictive analysis and connect participants' data with external medical knowledge.

Hyperledger Fabric provides secure channels for IoT communications and smart contracts for HIPAA compliance.

Our patented two-pods module releases compounds at different temperatures & times, therefore Slyde is able to measure dominant compounds-dosages accurately.

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Web dashboard provides remote control of medication delivery and health monitoring augmented by AI predictive analysis.

Figure 1. IoT network securely connects user medical devices and healthcare providers.

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